Governance Documents

Educate Together Academy Trust is committed to strong governance and accountability. Below you can find a range of governance information about the Trust and its operations. Please let us know if you have any questions or would like to get involved in governance.


ETAT Organogram September 2023

ETAT Scheme of Delegation October 2022

Memorandum and Articles of Association 2021

Members Register of Business Interests

Trustees Register of Business Interests

Senior Leaders Register of Business Interests

Educate Together Academy Trust Trustees May 2024

ETAT Committees February 2024

ETAT Pen Portraits Trustees February 2024



There are no employees at Educate Together Academy Trust whose benefits exceeded £100k for the year ended 31 August 2023.

Trustee resignations within the last 12 months:  Hugh Barrett August 2023 and Mark Ryder February 2024

All of our GDPR policies and Privacy Notices are published on the Trust Wide policies section of this website.  Please see a link to them here.